Mother’s Day 2010
We live in a world full of threats
People, events, which cause upset
Waking up sometimes with dread
We feel if not for a bit of luck we could be dead.
We live in a world full of love
People events, which at our hearts tug
Waking up sometimes with abundant hope
We feel the blessings, wrapped in a protective coat.
On this Mother’s Day Sunday in church
We pause to give God thanks
Honor our families
Dare to believe in the promise.
We are not alone no matter what life brings,
Our treasured companions
Steady our nerves, make our soul sing.
Some on this day are mothers for the first time
And for the first time some have said goodbye,
All seeing life differently than before
Families come with all kinds of differences
Some sad, some fun, some easy, some tearing apart,
Families can also be a place where righteous and peace kiss each
All called to practice peace
To be a safe harbor
Amidst all the fierce passions
Causing war all around.
The task might be hard, huge, impossible
The resources so inadequate
God seems so unapproachable
In those confusing, dangerous, burning moments
We need to rely on the creative, unending, breathtaking
Lord all-powerful
Drawing upon the Spirit to inspire us to love, no matter what.
On this day, we give thanks for all who have chosen the path of peace,
Who have given their every last precious drop of care
Those who stand firm in uncertain times
And have passed on such wisdom and
Brush your teeth
Be careful
Don’t run with scissors
Make sure you go to the bathroom before you get in the car
Brush your hair
Pick up after yourself
Time to get up, go to bed, take a break, get back to work
Go outside and play
Eat your vegetables
Let me kiss it and make it better
Here let me do that for you
I am proud of you
I love you.
Help us O Mother God to
Love steadfastly
Trust you deeply
Care for one another peacefully
Help us to protect each other from harm
To find ways of transforming our world
From a dreadful place to a glorious home
Help us to plant seeds of hope
In our daily adventures
To allow hate to die from inattention
Help us to turn again, and again, and again towards your light
Allowing your arms to hug us
Help us to listen respectively to the concerns of others
Breathing compassion in all our actions.
All these things we pray on this Mother’s day, Amen
SPM 2010
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