I am using the theme: The Jesus Prescription for a Healthy Life during lent. The theme is built around John 10:10, I came that they may have life and have it abundantly".
We are following Howard Clinebell's book; Wellness and the seven paths of focus that he suggests:
Enrich your spiritual life
Empower your mind
Love your body
Nurture your relationships
Commit your work to God
Take time to play
Cultivate a healthy planet
I believe God wants us to have abundant life. As I watch the news and read the blogs of those from Japan, I think back to the words of President Obama who said we sometimes have events that remind us how precious and how fragile life is. My life is a precious gift from God and I want to live as fully and joyfully as possible every step of my journey here on earth. We cannot always control or predict what forces will change our circumstances, but we can control how we respond, what decisions we make to live well. I pray for those in Japan who are enduring such terrifically difficult circumstances, I raise money to send to them, and I pledge to live abundantly knowing that in some small way my choices impact the health of the planet. Won't you join us in this pursuit?
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